My Goals for the Next Three Months as of June 2024
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As part of trying to set my life on course to achieve my goals, I have done some research and discovered that it often helps to write them down regularly to keep on track. Posting them here will both give me an easy location to review these in the future but also give me accountability as I plan to come back and write a progress update every 3 Months. This is my second post in the series.Be Prepared
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There is a lesson all Boy Scouts are taught very early on: “Be Prepared”. Often the lessons we are taught by our parents and teachers are often ignored or forgotten over time, until the day we learn the hard way. We go about life learning and discarding information we deem incorrect or unimportant. We each develop our own values and ideas and that is a good thing, as it fuels both our own personal growth in addition to fueling the further evolution of society.Further Simplifying Blog and Service Deployment
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This article is a follow-up to my previous posts (see blog post automation and switching to a simpler web server), I wanted to make setting up all my services easier. One of the problems I have been thoroughly tackling is the amount of steps it takes to set up a service. Even though the steps to set up a service were vastly decreased when I switched to Caddy, there was still room for simplification and automation.Moving From Nginx to Caddy
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Today was a long day. On days like these I seek out something that I find meditative to work on. More often than not I gravitate towards improving my self-hosted infrastructure. One pain point I have always had was the many moving parts that I had to run manually when setting up a new service. Today I decided I have had enough of the hassle and did something about it.The Power of Defining Goals, Ideals, and Standards
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Through personal experience and reading both the observations of others and the histories of successful companies, I have come to an undeniable truth. There is nothing more powerful in changing your life (aside from pursuing faith) than clearly defining the goals, ideals, and standards of the ideal that you wish to achieve. Many men thought the ages have told themselves that they want to be a better man whether it be for themselves or for those they love.Automating Blog Deployment Using Forgejo Actions
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Recently I have been dedicating a bit of each day to work on programming projects to give me a break from job hunting. With most programming projects that I have done in the past year or so I have used Jenkins for CI/CD to automate and run tests on my codebases. It was temperamental at best, and causing issues system-wide at worst, so I decided it was time to move on shortly after the end of my senior capstone.Getting Started With #100DaysOfCode
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Knowing yourself and your shortcomings is important when it comes to attempting anything in life. That is why when starting off learning Rust I chose to jump straight into a project rather than reading through the Rust book, as I would either stop and get distracted or fail to code entirely for the day. My method instead was to think of a simple project and then try to make it.100 Days of Code 2024
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My 100 days of code challenge was put on hold in favor of job hunting. That being said I do plan to pick this up again soon. The idea of #100DaysOfCode originally came from personal frustration with my inability to consistently learn to code after work. I would find other less-involved activities to spend my time on, like binge-watching TV series. One of those days, I was sitting in a restaurant with my wife Anna sharing my frustrations with her.My Goals for the Next Six Months as of January 2024
4 mins ·
As part of trying to set my life on course to achieve my goals, I have done some research and discovered that it often helps to write them down regularly to keep on track. Posting them here will both give me an easy location to review these in the future but also give me accountability as I plan to come back and write a progress update every 3 Months. In a perfect world, every goal on my list would be achievable, but we don’t live in one.New Years Resolutions
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Each year I see people starting off the new year with a resolution or five. More often than not they don’t put in place to ensure they stick with them and fail to keep them. Below are some of the resolutions I have this year, why I chose them, and how I plan to stay accountable. Resolutions Resolution #1 - Write daily Why? This resolution was inspired by a combination of reading Mistborn, and my long time goal of starting a blog.Welcome to the New Musselman Development Website!
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Welcome to the new Musselman Development Website! I have resurrected this website both as part of efforts to improve my life and provide value to others. My goals for this website include: Creating a source of truth for all of my online content. Share information on topics and ideas that I find interesting. Have a portfolio of all of the projects I have made or maintain. Have fun with something I enjoy.