Musselman Development

Musselman Development

2 mins ยท


Musselman Development was created as a way for James Musselman to share his knowledge, software, and offerings, while also gathering experience and earn some income while in school.

Since its inception it has transitioned to a mixture of a blog and portfolio as he is not currently looking to acquire any new clients. With the removal of said offerings the website has transitioned from a WordPress instance to a static site built upon a custom software stack built on top of Hugo.


Integrity: Conducting business with honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior.

Servant Leadership: We seek to embrace a leadership style that prioritizes serving others, fostering a culture of humility, empathy, and compassion.

Innovation with Purpose: Creating pioneering solutions that contribute positively to society, respecting the dignity and worth of all individuals.

Excellence and Stewardship: Striving for excellence in all endeavors, while responsibly managing resources and technology to honor God and benefit humanity.

Continuous Learning and Growth: Nurturing a culture that promotes personal and professional development, encouraging lifelong learning rooted in faith.

Customer-Centered Approach: Prioritizing customer needs, delivering high-quality software solutions, and providing exceptional service with integrity and care.

Faith-Based Decision-Making: Seeking guidance through prayer and discernment in all decisions, trusting in God’s wisdom for direction and inspiration.

Impact and Generosity: Actively engaging in philanthropic efforts, giving back to communities, and using technology to create meaningful impact and empower others.