📒 Note
I’m looking for employment opportunities! If you are in need of a software developer, dev ops engineer, systems admin, or just a guy who knows computers, please feel free to reach out via email!
Further Simplifying Blog and Service Deployment
This article is a follow-up to my previous posts (see blog post automation and switching to a simpler web server), I wanted to make setting up all my services easier. One of the problems I have been thoroughly tackling is the amount of steps it takes to set up a service. Even though the steps to set up a service were vastly decreased when I switched to Caddy, there was still room for simplification and automation. Most of what I was left doing could easily be transformed into a series of templates as there were only small changes between each item. Below are the changes I made to enable this and the current iteration of the script I use to deploy a new service.
Moving From Nginx to Caddy
Today was a long day. On days like these I seek out something that I find meditative to work on. More often than not I gravitate towards improving my self-hosted infrastructure. One pain point I have always had was the many moving parts that I had to run manually when setting up a new service. Today I decided I have had enough of the hassle and did something about it.
Automating Blog Deployment Using Forgejo Actions
Recently I have been dedicating a bit of each day to work on programming projects to give me a break from job hunting. With most programming projects that I have done in the past year or so I have used Jenkins for CI/CD to automate and run tests on my codebases. It was temperamental at best, and causing issues system-wide at worst, so I decided it was time to move on shortly after the end of my senior capstone. The question was what to replace it with.